
类型:剧情 短片 奇幻  意大利   2011 

主演:玛丽亚·阿尔切 Julia Anderson Cecilia Barr 



《蜕变》短片由阿根廷人 Lucrecia Martel 担纲执导,诠释了“静默”与“蜕变”,用优美而神秘的镜头为我们展现了女性世界的象征意义、隐含寓意及复杂关系。 这个超现实主义的故事发生在热带海域的一艘船舶之上。 随着黎明曙光的升起,所有的生命都被唤醒,这时一群光鲜亮丽、优雅端庄的性感女神宛若精灵般地缓缓进入视线, 她们的娇容若隐若现,隐约可见。   在其玳瑁色眼影下,幽长浓密的假睫毛闪烁动人,宛如摩尔斯电码一般,传递出一种全新的私密心声。 她们在为象征着发展与进步的神奇蜕变做准备,既超越并脱离物质,实现生命的永恒。   Martel 通过这部奇特的影片,表达了个人对女性变革力量的无限推崇,而这也正是 Miu Miu 所追随的核心理念。

In this contemporary film noir, an elegant crew of female creatures emerges insect-like from portals on board a ship anchored in a tropical sea, their faces obscured from view. The beings sashay like 40s femme fatales, bearing sunglasses which conceal all but the fluttering of their false lashes as a new language is revealed, a Morse code of clicks and vibrations which underscores their private fantasy world of desire and spiritual escapism. Entombed aboard this luxury modernist boat, the female chrysalides prepare for their strange metamorphosis, symbols of evolution, transcendence and escape from the material and ephemeral.