
类型:剧情  日本  1992 

主演:樋口可南子 藤谷美和子 堤真一 井川比佐志 岸部一德 



根据近松门左卫门原作改编。   大阪油铺丰岛屋的女主人阿吉(樋口可南子 饰)以前曾在另一家油铺河内屋工作,并担任油铺老板次子与兵卫(堤真一 饰)的乳母。与兵卫4岁时父亲去世,德兵卫(井川比佐志 饰)成为他的继父。无人约束的与兵卫从小游手好闲,更与小仓屋老板的女儿小菊(藤谷美和子 饰)私通。生怕小仓屋撤走资金,德兵卫对与兵卫大加挞伐,严令二人分手。而与兵卫竟带着小菊雨夜私奔,虽二人最终回来,然小菊面临嫁作他人的决定。与兵卫意图劫持新娘,关键时刻被阿吉拦下。   阿吉的这一举动,无意间改写了他们两个人的命运……

Okichi is the bored wife of a rich oil dealer. Yohei is a young man who is the son of Okichi's former business partner. As a child, Okichi often cares the boy, but when his father dies, he moves away. Years later, he returns as a man, and Okichi becomes momentarily in love with him. But Kogiku, the beautiful daughter of a rival oil dealer is also in love with him. Okichi plans to clear her out. The problems escalate when Kogiku's father finds out the relationship and he makes her marry a rich man, but she does not stop seeing Yohei.
