
类型:剧情 喜剧  西班牙   1993 

主演:哈维尔·巴登 玛丽亚·德·梅黛洛 玛丽维尔·贝尔杜 



这部西班牙情色影片把男人的欲望归结为性 欲,是弗洛伊德理论最赤裸裸的阐释和表现。波尼特在失去女人后,把欲望转移到金钱和事业上,而他要建设的分明是一个高耸入云的阳*&具。而当波尼特因车祸失去性能力的时候,象征他欲望的大楼也随之倒塌了。

Benito González works construction in Melilla and dreams big - of building the tallest building in Benidorm, a great phallic symbol of power, González Towers. Over several years, we see Benito's rise and fall, much like the construction of his tower. Through force of personality, he puts the financing together, taking advantage of women who love him - Claudia, a model who wants to be a star, and Marta, the US educated daughter of a banker whose loan Benito needs. Can his force of personality - his huevos de oro - compensate for shoddy building materials, no permits, and undercapitalization? Nature may have her own power and surprises in store for Benito.
