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性感美艳的索女贝丝以持械行劫为职业,办事又快又狠,加上敢作敢为的拍 档潘劳,和处变不惊的首领保罗,形成无敌铁三角,三人的关系纠缠不清,终日沉沦毒品、暴力、情欲,这位索女偶尔在酒吧结识善良正义的小学教师亚伦,一 切似乎开始转变,但江湖仇杀令她醒觉,回归平淡只是一场梦……
Alan Furnace is a young man with the perfectly proper, quiet life of a London school teacher. But beneath all of that decency lies a burning desire for excitement and he just found it. She's a woman unlike any other: Unruly Irish eyes, Latin lips... her name is Beatrice, but on the streets they call her B. Monkey. She's about to take him on an outrageous, dangerous and sexy ride through the wild side of London.
Rupert Everett和Asia Argento还有Jonathan Rhys-Meyers三人行。B. Monkey。世俗化的爱情。