
类型:剧情 爱情 运动  中国香港  2011 

主演:周秀娜 傅颖 杰西卡·C 罗子溢 林子善 周凤凰 林雪 罗莽 杨盼盼  



故事发生在风景如画的贝浪湾,莎伦(周秀娜 饰)和瑞秋(傅颖 饰)生于此长于此,在阳光和沙滩的馈赠之下,沙滩排球成为了她们最大的爱好。一次偶然中,莎伦结识了名为蒂姆(罗仲谦 饰)的男子,蒂姆是当地一位富翁的儿子,这位富翁打算收购贝浪湾,将其发展成为旅游度假圣地,因此引起了村民们的不满。最终,双方决定,用沙滩排球来一决胜负。   就这样,莎伦和瑞秋开始了严格的训练,而富翁则派出了娜塔莉和娜塔莎,两队实力不相上下。让莎伦没有想到的是,决赛在即,她竟然弄伤了后辈,不仅如此,旧疾的复发更令局面雪上加霜。莎伦最终能够获得胜利拯救贝浪湾吗?

In Hong Kong's Paradise Cove Sharon ('Chrissie Chau') and Rachel (Theresa Fu) work at a restaurant of their kung fu master uncle Tao ('Lo Mang') while taking on rivals in beach volleyball matches. The wealthy Bu family has plans to have the beach made into a playground for the rich and getting rid of the youth at the beach. Mrs. Bu's two Eurasian daughters, Natalie ('Jessica C') and Phoenix ('Phoenix Valen') challenge Sharon and Rachel to a volleyball match which Natalie and Phoenix win. Phoenix and Natalie give Rachel and Sharon a challenge: if the two local girls enter and win the upcoming All Hong Kong Womens Volleyball tournament, Mrs. Bu will revise her plans to further develop the area. Sharon and Rachel feel they don't have a chance to win the tournament. Their uncle then Tao teaches the girls kung-fu skills that they apply to volleyball.
