
类型:动作 奇幻  日本  1982 

主演:真田广之 渡边典子 千叶真一 小林喜三 佐藤蛾次郎 中尾彬 美保纯  



在黑暗时代,妖术师果心居士唆使松永弹正夺取天下,一对青梅竹马的忍者恋人城太郎(真田广之 饰演)与篝火(渡边典子 饰演)成为了最无辜的牺牲品!   为了拯救被绑架的爱人篝火,城太郎与果心居士及其部下,展开忍术与邪术的决战..........

A fortuneteller prophesizes that whoever marries the beautiful Ukio will become the ruler of the world. Naturally, this makes her very popular with those vying for power, particularly the insatiably greedy Lord Donjo. Only the ninja Jotaro can stop Donjo's plan, but to do so, he must first battle the deadly team of "Devil Monks" serving the lord. Will Jotaro succeed in his mission? And if so, will Ukio marry him, thus making him the ruler of the world?