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BETTER ANGELS, the feature documentary by director Malcolm Clarke, explores how the world's two largest superpowers are racing towards economic and political conflict, yet find themselves undeniably linked and interdependent by the new reality of global economic rivalries and cultural ties. The film captures the compelling personal stories and ideological challenges of why these two countries have the world's most important relationship.
你们究竟要我们怎么生存?。Ordinary。《善良的天使》。善良也闪亮。一个老头一厢情愿中的中国人的样子。一点感想。中美和解还靠你我他。Better Angel,Life and Word。一部正在改变世界的电影,可能你还不知道。这部英国人执导的《善良的天使》,翻越美中贸易困局放眼未来双赢。