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Rick(张国荣饰)是个顶级射击手,自第一次参加IPSC实战枪击比赛起,已连获数届冠军,Rick的拿手好戏是double tap,即在最短时间内打出两枪,弹孔在同一点上。Rick还是个改良枪支的专家,经他改良后,枪的性能可发挥到最高点。 苗志舜督查(方中信饰)同样是个射击好手,这一次,两人在IPSC比赛中各显身手,不相上下。附加赛中,一名炒股失败的警察突然精神失常,持枪威胁人群,危急关头,Rick果断地将其一枪击毙。 枪杀他人给Rick带来了严重的心理负担,睡不着觉、头疼,甚至产生幻觉等症状让他寝食难安,而更可怖的是,心魔已经产生,他竟从杀人中获得了无与伦比的快感,任凭他如何努力摆脱,似乎依旧徒然……
What begins as an innocuous entry into a gun competition eventually steers Rick towards a path of fatal rivalry. With extensive training, Rick emerges as one of the finest shooters in town. Three years down the line, four members of a G4 unit have been murdered; the suspects clear out any possible evidence. A top CID officer, Miu, narrows the suspect list down to just Rick, whom he had met in the shooting arena on the final day of the gun competition three years before...
假面的意志。看完<枪王之王>,回头再看<枪王>。张国荣的堂会。枪王。Are you ready?啪!啪啪!。如何毁掉一部电影!。压抑的躁狂,杀戮的快感。这样的演技,我除了震撼还能说什么。我只是想说几句。Are you ready?。