
类型:喜剧  西班牙  2009 

主演:Olivia Molina Paco León Alfonso Bas 

导演:Joaquín Oristrell 


张扬洒脱的索菲亚(Olivia Molina 饰)在父母的餐馆里长大,从小便流露出对料理的极度热情与天赋,并不顾母亲阻拦毅然放弃学业投身餐饮。身为餐厅经理的帅小伙法兰克(阿方索·巴萨维 Alfonso Bassave 饰)惊讶于索菲亚的料理潜能,决心要使她成为世界一流的女厨师,在美味的催化下,两人擦出爱情火花。然而于此同时,和索菲亚一直保持稳定关系的初恋情人东尼(帕科·莱昂 Paco León 饰)也正在锲而不舍地向她求婚。五年时光如白驹过隙,索菲亚和丈夫东尼生了三个孩子,过着外人看来幸福富裕的生活,直到一天法兰克再度出现,又重新唤醒了索菲亚内心深处对料理的追求与爱的激情。几番争执后,东尼终于决定支持妻子的理想,并为她买下了一间豪华餐厅。在三人的齐心协力下,索菲亚的料理事业如日方升,三人的关系也在食欲和情欲中完美契合,出现了令人意外的发展……

In a seaside village in Spain, the teenager Sofía is a bad student that helps her father Ramón and her mother Loren in the kitchen of the small family restaurant and dreams on becoming the best chef in the world. Her best childhood friends are the correct Toni and the reckless Frank. When Sofía finds that Ramón is bisexual, she leaves her fiancé Toni to work with Frank in a five star hotel and has a one night stand with him. However, she returns to her village when she gets pregnant and marries Toni. Years later, Frank also returns to his village and Sofía loves Toni and Frank and they all live together as a threesome. Sofía cooks with passion and her top-notch culinary skill is recognized by other chefs. However, when Frank decides to get married and have a normal life, the relationship between Sofía and Toni is affected.

提拉米苏配爱尔兰咖啡。爱的不定式。the more we get togethher, the happier we'll be!。一些台词而已。很快乐,所以要做厨师,所以要在一起。threeway 也可以是爱情。我喜欢的style。《地中海厨娘》:你要快乐,还是“正常”?。这个电影并非只有食物,还有欧洲~。索菲亚的弗拉明戈。