
类型:剧情 战争  中国大陆  2014 

主演:李健 张雯 景岗山 黄品沅 王乐君 张宁江 陆彭 



资深影视编剧赵磊执笔,《穷爸爸富爸爸》的导演刘宏胤执导,郝万军担任动作导演,李建、张雯、景岗山等主演的30集抗战大戏《战魂》日前正在紧张拍摄。该剧由西安曲江影视集团等联合出品,讲述了在抗战背景下,一个身负灭门家仇的青年由血腥复仇走向革命抗战道路的特殊故事,谱写了一段飘摇年代下普通平民成长蜕变的伟大传奇。   电视剧《战魂》在选材策划上跳出了抗日雷剧的娱乐化、武侠化和极端化等方向,采取了非常独特的角色视点,用抗战洪流中小人物的坎坷命运,反映出抗战时期广大中国人民遭遇的巨大创伤,还原了战争本身具有的残酷和惨烈。   导演刘宏胤在拍摄描写战争年代题材方面尤为擅长,以激昂、宏大著称。男一号李健曾主演过《战雷》、《中国骑兵》、《永不磨灭的番号》等热播剧,戏路宽广与角色性格十分贴近。出演过《夫妻那些事》等电视剧的青年实力女演员张雯出任女一号。

During the anti-Japanese war, the Communist Party of China actively fights against the Japanese aggression. A young student named Zhongxiao is rescued by the Independent Regiment of Eighth Route Army in a Japanese \"mopping-up\" operation, and he is allowed to stay with the army. At first, Zhongxiao could not get along with other soldiers as he always falls behind on training and his background is very distinctive. But with the help of his comrade-in-arms, he gradually transforms from a weak young man to a Chinese soldier who devotes his life to safeguarding his mother country.
