
类型:剧情 科幻  日本  2015 

主演:长谷川博己 麻生久美子 西田敏行 涩川清彦 奥野瑛太 槙田雄司 深水元 



自从摇滚的梦想被击碎后,铃木良一(长谷川博己 饰)便委身一家乐器公司浑噩度日。他唯唯诺诺,几乎成为全公司所有人欺凌和嘲笑的对象。在这些人当中,只有同样有着孤独感的寺岛裕子(麻生久美子 饰)向他投来同情的目光。某天,良一买了一只小乌龟,他在房间内对小乌龟倾吐着自己种种难以实现的梦想。然而在遭到同时的嘲讽后,他一气之下把乌龟扔进了马桶。乌龟顺着下水道来到一个神秘所在,衣衫褴褛的老人(西田敏行 饰)拥有神奇的糖果,可以让被遗弃的玩具和动物开口说话,而小乌龟则不小心吃了能实现梦想的糖果。它念念不忘良一的梦想,而随着梦想实现,小乌龟的身体也越来越大。   良一的命运发生转变,他朝着未竟的摇滚之梦再度进发……

In the summer of 2015 in Tokyo, Ryoichi dreamed of becoming a punk rocker when he was younger, but became a timid salary-man at a musical instrument parts company. He has feelings for Kumiko Aso, but he can't tell her how he feels. One day, he has a fateful meeting with a turtle on the rooftop of a department store. He names the turtle Pikadon and he adores it, but his co-workers laugh at him. Ryoichi throws Pikadon into the toilet. He regrets what he did. The turtle though goes through sewerage and meets an old man who lives in the underground. Something then happens.

园子温的本心·及一些背景知识。【扑通迷妹心】北影爱与和平首映会相关。Love & Peace, Lost & Found。童话易写,初心难觅。忘掉一切?让破败的人生重演一次?。由三部电影浅谈园子温的电影。爱所到之处一片狼藉。幸福是什么?。一只乌龟成就一个人摇滚梦想。所以还是坚信园子温是个内心很温柔的人啊。