
类型:剧情 爱情 奇幻  中国香港  1983 

主演:谭咏麟 倪淑君 叶童 董骠 邓碧云 



保险公司调查员古志明(谭咏麟 饰)在雨夜赶回家参加和婚期妻Ivy(叶童 饰)订婚四年的庆祝,不巧雨天路滑,古志明险些撞到一名红衣女子……Ivy为人脾气火爆,古志明虽有不满也只得忍受,当夜古志明胞弟玩起了碟仙游戏,与此同时,名叫张小瑜的红衣女子不慎失足坠楼身亡,正在进行中的碟仙游戏恰好收到了张亡故的信号。次日,古志明奉命调查张小瑜死因以便进行理赔,岂料连串怪异现象在古的身边发生。在古志明和Ivy的关系日益紧张之时,女鬼张小瑜现身古志明家中,申明自己并无恶意,只希望得到保险金赠送邻家女童,而古志明的领导却示意此案按照自杀处理以免去赔付。张小瑜出现的频率愈发增加,而古志明对这位乖巧的女鬼渐渐产生了情愫……

A young woman has a tragic accident, slipping on a skateboard and falling off the roof of a tall building. Koo Chi Ming, an insurance investigator, is sent to determine whether the girl's death is an accident or a suicide and he recognizes the young woman from an earlier chance encounter. His boss wants him to conclude it was a suicide so that the insurance company doesn't have to pay. The young woman's ghost visits Koo to tell him that her death was accidental and they fall in love. When Koo's girlfriend and his parents find out he's in love with a spirit, they hire an exorcist to get rid of her.

『 後來,她真的有回來過。。。 』。最美的倪淑君,最动听的《幻影》。情如幻影,却怎挥不去。内地能否复制一个新艺城?。《阴阳错》 2017.06.05。平生看的第一部镭射电影。解读林岭东之《阴阳错》。