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西德尼·扬(西蒙·佩吉 Simon Pegg 饰)是个胆大包天、离经叛道的英国年轻人,他毕业于名校,出身高知家庭,却偏爱旁门左道——创办了一本名为“后现代评论”的杂志专门解构和讽刺明星名流,很不受人家待见。杂志濒临倒闭的当口,扬意外接到来自纽约知名八卦杂志的电话,请他过去上班。进入新坏境的扬依然坚持自己的原则,他不肯根据上流人士的意思改稿,和老板怒吼“新闻自由”,不肯去拍新锐导演马屁……不断挑战潜规则难免让他和周围的一切格格不入。职场磕磕绊绊中,扬和女同事阿里森(克斯汀·邓斯特 Kirsten Dunst 饰)产生感情,又受到新人女明星苏菲(梅根·福克斯 Megan Fox 饰)青睐。扬慢慢学会顺应规则,似乎融入这个上流社会,但内心仍有个真正的自己从未停止呐喊…… 本片根据英国作家托比·扬(Toby Young)2001年出版的同名回忆录改编。
Sidney Young is a disillusioned intellectual who both adores and despises the world of celebrity, fame and glamor. His alternative magazine, "Post Modern Review", pokes fun at the media obsessed stars and bucks trends, and so when Young is offered a job at the diametrically opposed conservative New York based "Sharps" magazine it's something of a shock! It seems "Sharps" editor Clayton Harding is amused by Young's disruption of a post-BAFTA party with a pig posing as Babe. Thus begins Sidney's descent into success - his gradual move from derided outsider to confidante of starlet Sophie Maes. Initially helping him out at Sharps is colleague Alison Olsen, who has her own secret. Wither their friendship?
如何功成名就?如何众叛亲离?。中文版小说即将问世。TO BE OR NOT TO BE,是个问题。让我堂堂正正的做个不成功人士吧。请也给我一个俗套的结局..。怎么说呢?感谢这部电影给了我当头一棒吧。在此列豆单。只要嘴够贱。喜剧小品,开胃小菜。成名在即。