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玩过一个人做动作,另一个人猜的哑谜游戏么? 这就是这样的一个短片,题目是猜书或者电影。参加者一个聪明伶俐,演绎的活灵活现;另一个木讷僵化,表演的模棱两可。然而,奇怪的是观众怎么也猜不出前者的答案,对后者的谜题却总是一击即中。 几轮下来,聪明的表演者已是满脸涨红,真是哑巴吃黄连,有苦吐不出!
Two men are introduced to the popular parlor game, charades. They are solely given the task of acting out the clues. The two men take decidedly different approaches to the game, with differing results. The lack of success for one is just too much for him to handle.