
类型:短片  美国  1954 

主演:Samson De Brier 马乔里·卡梅伦 Joan Whitne 

导演:Kenneth Anger 


A Slavonic Mass by Leos Janácek plays as historical figures, biblical characters, and mythical creatures gather in the pleasure dome. Aphrodite, Lilith, Isis, Kali, Astarte, Nero, Pan, and the Great Beast and the Scarlet Woman are part of a visual feast of images superimposed, hallucinations, and the spirit of decadence of the "Yellow '90s." Mythological images from Aleister Crowley, cabalistic symbols, artifice, and magic combine to render the pleasure dome both as prison and as celebration.

极乐大厦揭幕:吞食珠宝的男人手上戴满戒指。鸟笼女Anaïs Nin的生平小考。双重误会下的身价爆发。解梦的方式。Introduction。