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在日本一处僻静的所在,孤儿隆(Mike Moh 饰)和情同手足美国青年肯(Simeon Tsolov 饰)一同在师父刚拳(小家山晃 饰)的指导下,日复一日进行艰苦卓绝的修行。当二人终于感受到体内气的流动之时,师父允诺带他们进行更高阶段的修炼,而那将触及破坏力十足的暗杀拳。青年时代,刚拳和弟弟豪鬼随师傅轰铁(伊川东吾 饰)修习。一心变得强大的豪鬼偷阅师父的秘籍,学会可怕的暗杀拳,可是却不会控制杀意的波动,最终被轰铁逐出师门。仿佛又一个循环,肯似乎也正在走着豪鬼的老路,刚拳则接近全力避免悲剧重演。 直到某一天,豪鬼找上门来,师兄弟不得不面对宿命的对决……
A multi-layered series that looks back to the formative years of Ryu and Ken as they live a traditional warrior's life in secluded Japan. The boys are, unknowingly, the last practitioners of the ancient fighting style known as "Ansatsuken" (Assassin's Fist). The series follows them as they learn about the mysterious past of their master, Goken, and the tragic, dark legacy of the Ansatsuken style. Can their destiny be changed, or will history repeat itself?