
类型:喜剧 动作  日本  2016 

主演:东出昌大 洼田正孝 小松菜奈 山崎静代 片冈鹤太郎 



影片《英雄迷的生活》由《花宵道中》的导演丰岛圭介掌镜,洼田正孝、小松菜奈、片冈鹤太郎一同主演。该片以虚构城市堂堂市为舞台,被公司解雇来到超市打工的主人公中津(东出昌大饰)与超市员工们结成联盟,共同对抗公司恶势力的奋斗故事。   东出饰演的主人公中津是个在超市打工的自由职业者、与社会上的恶势力斗争的英雄形象;洼田正孝饰演拥有神秘超能力的无业游民土志田;小松菜奈饰演拥有超高情报收集能力的高中女生薰;实力派男星片冈鹤太郎饰演白天上班、晚上变成打手的老男人日下。

Frustrated by the urban decay around him, a convenience store clerk meets a young man equipped with Spider-Manlike gadgets, and - along with a high school nerd and a man with two mallets in his sleeves - they decide to become vigilantes. With notoriety comes attention, though, and a sharp-eyed businessman uses their example to create a sect of executioners. Nerdy superheroes in a film whose mash-up of styles, from action to drama, redefines offbeat comedy.
