
类型:动画 奇幻 冒险  日本  1992 

主演:关俊彦 高山南 屋良有作 广中雅志 江森浩子 银河万丈 乡里大辅 佐藤 



四百年前的阿杰克希斯特拉是一个没有战争纷扰、农业和贸易都盛极一时的大城。人们享受著富裕带来的生活:绵衣玉食、雕栏华宇、歌舞昇平。但是这里的人希望这种幸福能够延伸到死后的世界,在制裁与死已之神阿杰克其神官的建议下,他们打造了一座金碧辉煌的理想之都:在这里,珍宝铺地,亡者被製成「穿著华服、戴著面具的木乃伊」,如同活人一样进行著生活里该有的情节,只不过,时空彷彿在欢笑的瞬间静止了。当年为避免覬覦者前来盗宝、乾扰亡灵,因此施下死亡诅咒,凡入侵破坏者皆不能活著离开。   迪耶、波伊斯、拉可熙误入阿杰克希斯特拉,遇上贪婪的强盗拉库姆一伙。这些盗贼为了寻找传说中的宝藏,而惊动了沉睡四百年的亡灵。可怕的死亡力量即将复甦,所有入侵者都将受到诅咒,他们的命运又将如何?

Before the time of recorded history, the Atlantic Ocean harbored a magnificent continent on which civilization flourished. Unfortunately, brutal wars and natural disasters have nearly leveled the once thriving society. Tieh, Lakushi, and Bois are three survivors of the wars and disasters who wander the land, hoping to find some last vestige of civilization. When they do, the city they find is populated by the dead who lord over the living, forcing the three to rely on their wits and skills to survive.