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2055, Charles Hatton has made a fortune by founding 'Time safari', which offers rich 'big game hunters' short time travels to kill off dinosaurs just before their natural death. When Travis notices the weather and wildlife are not behaving as usual, he consults Dr. Rand, the contractually invisible inventor of the supercomputer which controls the time travel. They soon face 'time waves', each worsening the effects in 2055 of evolutionary distortions, lower lifeforms first. They attempt to identify and rectify the past alteration, but each attempt gets harder in their distorted present.
假如你没有看过原著。改变过去等于毁灭现在——评《一声惊雷》。哪里来的一声惊雷?。不错的科幻小说题材。很“强”的特技效果。A Sound of Thunder。一截为二的科幻灾难片。简直在浪费时间....。雷霆万钧。硬伤不断。