
类型:科幻 动画 冒险  韩国   1985 


导演:Steven Hahn 


未来某星球上(大概是地球)的人类全部被机器人奴役,并为它们开采矿物,一名叫做奥林的年轻奴隶经过奇妙的启示,在“剑柄”的指引下开始反抗之旅,并在一名酷酷的赏金猎人、一名美丽的人类贵族女孩和一名性感可爱的女机器人的帮助下,最终带领人类奴隶推翻机器人残暴统治的故事。   整部电影场面宏大,精彩异常,人物形象生动传神,画工一流,所展现的未来时代和太空场景让人印象深刻。

Set on the subterranean Mine-World, a band of human worker are treated like slaves under the power of the evil overlord Zygon until one, Orin, unearths the hilt of a mythical sword that only he can master. Escaping the planet, he runs into the rogue smuggler Dagg and a pair of helpful droids and the princess, who all team up to return to the Mine-World with a plan to defeat Zygon and free Orin's enslaved people.
