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一间普普通通的韩国公共浴池,老旧的设施伴随着充满年代气息的民族歌曲,几乎唤醒人们久远之前的记忆。一名中年男子来到浴池,买票入场。空荡荡的浴池蒸气氤氲,四周充满闲淡慵懒的感觉。他将自己没入水中,单单将热水龙头开到最大,随后头靠在水泥台上,用毛巾蒙住面颊。水温不断升高,浴池为蒸汽的浓雾笼罩,恍惚之间,男子似乎坐在一个更为巨大的男人的背后,为对方搓澡,驱除难以忍耐的瘙痒…… 本片为美国加州艺术学院(CalArts)学生Kangmin Kim 2011年的毕业作品,片中长着胎记的两个男子指涉了传统的父子关系。
This film is about the relationship and connection between a son and his father. A man with a big birthmark on his back enters an old public bathhouse. When he takes a bath, he falls into a dream. He confronts his father who has the same birthmark in the dream, and he starts to scrub away his father's birthmark.