
类型:悬疑 犯罪  英国  1990 

主演:大卫·苏切 休·弗拉瑟 菲利普·杰克森 保琳·莫兰 迈克尔·香农 Ca 

导演:Richard Spence 


一个雨天,黑斯廷斯建议心情沮丧的波罗外出度假散心。   在长途汽车站的售票处,黑斯廷斯注意到同车的一个年轻女孩子,而一个同样留着八字胡、穿着潦倒、举止粗鲁的男人则引起了波罗的注意。   在车上,年轻女孩告诉黑斯廷斯,她随身携带了一个价值1500英镑的古董人物缩型。在中转站吃中饭时,女孩惊愕地发现,行李箱中的古董缩型不见了!黑斯廷斯挺身而出,替女孩向波罗求助,波罗却宣布他已决定退休。无奈之下,黑斯廷斯只好自己出马侦察,谁知随着调查的进行,这桩貌似简单的失窃案日益显得诡异复杂,看来不把波罗拖下水是不行了……   "我就快完了,黑斯廷斯,我想,我要退休了."

A bored Hercule Poirot announces that he is going to retire and suggests that he and Captain Hastings go to the seaside for a short holiday. While there, they meet a pleasant young woman who is delivering a set of miniature portraits to an American buyer on behalf of her aunt, an antiques dealer. When they arrive at their destination she is shocked to find that the miniatures are missing and that the American had already bought them from an elderly lady more than an hour before. As Poirot has retired he leaves the case in the hands of Hastings who slowly puts the facts together and not surprisingly comes to the wrong conclusion. In the end, it is left to Poirot to suggest the solution to the crime and brings all of the parties together for an interesting lunch.
