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这次007(罗杰•摩尔 Roger Moore 饰)的任务是追寻真正的法布尔金蛋,在追踪过程结识了美丽的马戏团女郎“八爪女”(莫德•亚当斯 Maud Adams 饰)。007在“八爪女”的房间找到了重要的证据,从而揭露了苏联的一个大阴谋。原来苏联以走私珠宝的名义和“八爪女”合作,其实暗中企图利用“八爪女”的马戏团巡回表演时当场引爆核弹。007深知事态严重,他必须在苏联引爆核弹前阻止他们的阴谋,他费尽千辛万苦在人群拥挤的马戏团里终于找到核弹并将它拆除。随后,“八爪女”不小心被抓走了,为了朋友,007将只身闯虎穴!
James Bond's next mission sends him to the circus. A British agent was murdered and found holding onto a priceless Faberge egg. Kamal Kahn buys the egg at an auction, but Bond becomes suspicious when Kahn meets up with Russian General, Orlov. Bond soon finds out that Kahn's and Orlov's plan is to blow a nuclear device in an American Air Force Base. Bond teams up with a circus group, which are headed by the beautiful Octopussy, who is also close friend of Kahn. Will Bond be quick enough, before World War III begins?
【系列补完计划】《007之十三:八爪女》。还是那时的邦德有娱乐精神。看完了《007 13:八爪女》。最好与最坏的邦德之八爪女。Octopussy。这个80后都知道吧?。混乱+美丽。疲态尽现。真真假假偷金蛋 核爆惊魂马戏团。剧透之超级不和谐版本。