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十八岁女孩玛丽亚(英迪娅·埃斯利 饰)经常受到同学欺负,使她变得自卑,害怕。有一天她发现镜子里的另一个她,艾兰。 艾兰(英迪娅·埃斯利 饰)既勇敢又无畏,帮助玛丽亚开启了复仇之路......
A lonely 18-year-old high schooler opens up to her reflection because of the lack of support she has from family and her peers. She switches place with her supportive, but evil, twin that she discovers in the mirror's reflection, but the newfound freedom unleashes suppressed feelings.
不要强迫你爱的人完美。剧本是个败笔?。暗黑风格还不错。。你的镜中人。小小猜想 不喜勿喷。恶堕之花于文明顶端绽放。很明显,父亲就是个大变态。无止境的悲伤-你们真的看懂了吗。一部超脱现实的悬疑片。女主很美很美,电影很烂很烂。