
类型:喜剧 爱情  韩国  2013 

主演:吴政世 李是英 金俊成 景秀珍 金正泰 



崔宝娜(李诗英 饰)是一位平凡得不能再平凡的女子,她不仅样貌普通,就连性格亦乏善可陈,每每提到她,朋友们只说她是个“老好人”,就再无其他。这样的崔宝娜,自然和充满了浪漫气息的爱情无缘,更糟糕的是,别说爱情了,崔宝娜就连和异性相处的经历都少得可怜,这样的她,真的能够找到自己的如意郎君吗?   一次偶然中,崔宝娜于片场拾得了一本《男人使用说明书》,参照着书中附上的录像带里所教授的方法,崔宝娜竟然真的开始变得与以前不同了,甚至意外地吸引到了当红明星李圣宰(吴政世 饰)的目光。难道这本说明书真的拥有神奇的魔力吗?

A 'not so attractive girl' is single and loses her chance of promotion at work. Not knowing why, she accidentally buys an old video tape set titled 'How to use Guys with Secret Tips'. May be this video can help her to get through life easier. With doubts and curiosity, she gives it as try. And Surprisingly, she gets what she wants at work and the top star LEE falls for her. But can she keep her true love?
