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沃尔特(金•凯瑞 Jim Carrey 饰)本来过着幸福的田园生活,直到有一天他和“23”这个数字扯上了关系,他的生活彻底发生了改变。妻子阿加莎送了一本名为《数字23》的小说给沃尔特作为生日礼物,这本书看来平凡无奇,描述的是一个侦探遭遇了23场杀人梦魇,“23”这个数字就像枷锁一样牢牢控制住他的生活,最后他亲手杀了自己妻子。 沃特尔惊奇地发现书中描写的很多情景和生活细节竟然和自己的生活一摸一样,既有过去的,也有即将发生的。小说的情节好像推动着他的生活一步步滑向最后的深渊――他亲手杀死了自己的妻子。为了避免这一结局,沃尔特只有找出这些事件和“23”背后的真相!
On his birthday, Walter Sparrow, an amiable dog-catcher, takes a call that leaves him dog bit and late to pick up his wife. She's browsed in a bookstore, finding a blood-red-covered novel, a murder mystery with numerology that loops constantly around the number 23. The story captivates Walter: he dreams it, he notices aspects of his life that can be rendered by "23," he searches for the author, he stays in the hotel (in room 23) where events in the novel took place, and he begins to believe it was no novel. His wife and son try to help him, sometimes in sympathy, sometimes to protect him. Slowly, with danger to himself and to his family, he closes in on the truth.
暗示。他们的罪感文化(Be sure your sin will find you out)。补充另一个结局。简直是为我等智商0人量身订做。《灵数23》:一三得三,二三得六。灵数23与十二宫。写下这个标题时,手机电量还剩23%。差的只是一个高分的结尾!。23。不算好,也差不到哪去。