
类型:剧情  韩国  1997 

主演:郑雨盛 李美妍 陈熙琼 朴新阳 



旅馆房间内可以发现任何不道德的行为。在一间旅馆内住了三对男女,他们各自在自己的空间中谈情说性。Min- ku长期以来都不太喜欢似是她爱人Hyun-joo的从属感觉。Hyun-joo其实有著一段内心受伤的经历,她跟Suk-tae一样,仍然未能摆脱因为心灵创伤而造成的阴影。纵使他们用尽一切方法,仍然未然忘记过去。   其实Hyun-joo和Suk-tae早已在数年前的宿营时相识,并且有著多年的感情,奈何他们的爱却不太完整……

Motel Cactus consists of four episodes, all of which take place in Room 407 of Motel Cactus, a love hotel in Seoul: (1.) A girl celebrates her birthday with her boyfriend, because it is the only place she feels entirely secure with him. (2.) A student has rented room 407 for several hours to shoot a scene with a girl for his video film, a college project. (3.) A salesman meets a woman in a bar. Both very drunk, they arrive in room 407. Afterwards he is back in the room, alone. (4.) He is soon joined by his old love from his college days. Both are vaguely hoping to rekindle their old relationship.
