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市政府市民科科长渡边勘治(志村乔饰)是名近三十年全勤的模范公务员,然而他和同事们每天忙碌却人浮于事,不知道自己在忙些什么。一帮妇女联合到市政府申请填平社区附近的臭水池,在上面建造个小公园。市民科的接待人员告诉她们要把问题反映到土木课,公园课把她们推到建设科……,申请书转 了一圈后,又被踢回市民科。 一个月后,渡边因身体不适,去医院被查出胃癌,时日无多。渡边回到家,感到孤独无助,儿子(金子信雄饰)只想着用老人的退休金及储蓄,到外面另辟小家庭。绝望中的渡边没有去上班,借酒浇愁。之后,请辞的女科员小田(小田切美善饰)给了渡边以启示。他打起精神,亲自督促建设社区公园。几个月后……
Kanji Watanabe is a civil servant. He has worked in the same department for 30 years. His life is pretty boring and monotonous, though he once used to have passion and drive. Then one day he discovers that he has stomach cancer and has less than a year to live. After the initial depression he sets about living for the first time in over 20 years. Then he realises that his limited time left is not just for living life to the full but to leave something meaningful behind...