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刑警Mike(吴镇宇 饰)和阿仁(古天乐 饰)是一对拍档兼好兄弟,两人一个性格孤僻、沉默寡言,一个玩世不恭、愤世嫉俗,均不得上司赏识。为了缉捕劫匪“毒龙”一伙,两人在独居老人四婆(罗兰 饰)家中布置了监控装置。期间,孤儿院长大的Mike结识了被男友遗弃的孕妇Jennifer(林美贞 饰),表示愿做孩子的父亲,而阿仁也结识靓妹阿Yen(郑雪儿 饰)。 不久,Mike知晓自己身染绝症,来日已经不多,为了Jennifer以后的生活,他与“毒龙”私下进行交易获得鉅款。同时,不忘职责的他又将“毒龙”的行踪通知阿仁,并与之一起同“毒龙”展开搏杀。
Plainclothes policemen Brian and Mike use an elderly woman's apartment for surveillance, hoping to catch a fugitive gangster. They develop a warm relationship with their hostess, whom they call "granny." Meanwhile, each man develops a romantic relationship: Brian with a strange wandering teenage girl, and Mike with a pregnant woman at the dry cleaning shop. When the gangster returns to his flat, Brian and Mike are forced into an explosive confrontation.