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虽然佐妮(卡卓尔 Kajol 饰)的双目患有失明的残疾,但终日生活在黑暗里的她却并没有放弃寻找真爱的渴望。一次偶然中,她遇见了名为雷汉(阿米尔·汗 Aamir Khan 饰)的男子,虽然看不见这男子的面貌,但佐妮相信,他就是她一直在等待的那个人,很快,佐妮和雷汉踏入了婚姻的殿堂,诞下了一个可爱的小男婴。 婚后,雷汉筹钱治好了佐妮的眼睛,可是,当佐妮睁开双眼的那一刹那,得到的却是雷汉已死的噩耗。心碎的佐妮带着孩子回到娘家,发誓终身不再嫁。一晃眼七年过去,佐妮意外的和雷汉重逢了。原来,雷汉当年系诈死,他的真实身份,竟然是一名遭到通缉的恐怖分子。
Choices - to choose between right or wrong is simple, but what defines one's life is the decision between the greater of two goods or the lesser of two evils. This is the advice that Zooni Ali Beg (Kajol) receives from her father just as she is about to venture out into the world of her own for the very first time. Little does she know that these very words will shape her life. Zooni, a blind Kashmiri girl, meets Rehan Qadri (Aamir Khan), a local Delhi tour guide and an incorrigible flirt. Her friends warn her against this good-for-nothing roadside Romeo, but she chooses to ignore them. It is now her time to discover life and love. Is this really the right choice? Rehan is fascinated by Zooni and wants her to see life as it should be seen, in its many colours. He promises her that the time spent with him will be the most precious in all her life. Zooni sees Delhi, life and love like she never has before, because of Rehan. What Zooni doesn't know is that Rehan has another side of his life that he has kept from her - something that can not only change her life, but can also destroy it.
爱为谁亡。我一直都在流浪 可我未曾见过海洋。。太激动以至于连续写了三篇评论。REHA的话。有生之年,狭路相逢,终不能幸免……。让我生命的呼吸,在你的心中找到庇佑。在你的爱中毁灭,让我的生命启程。。《为爱毁灭》。在爱情面前,再狗血的剧情再拖沓的叙事也阻挡不了人们真善美的心。。如果没有眼 是不是就不会流泪?。rehen爱你胜过你爱rehen 和怪兽的名字叫爷爷。