
类型:动作 科幻 惊悚  美国  2019 

主演:Morgan Bradley 

导演:A.K. Strom 


韓國和中東發生的一系列不斷升級的事件導致越來越大的衝突,使得強國彼此較勁。 軍力示威,炸彈下雨,士兵們在海上奮戰。 一個家庭陷入了不斷增長的衝突中。 他們能活下來嗎?

A series of escalating incidents around the world lead to greater and greater conflict, placing the superpowers at one another's throats. Armies march, bombs rain down, soldiers storm the beaches. One family is caught up in the ever-growing conflict. Can they survive as total war is declared and nuclear weapons are unleashed?
