
类型:悬疑  英国  2001 

主演:Charles Edwards Ian Richardson 

导演:Tim Fywell 


年轻的道尔来到一座小镇行医,漂亮的女病人希瑟向她讲述了一件怪事:每当她走过一条林木茂密的小路,就会遭遇一个蒙面人的跟踪。道尔陪同希瑟来到了那条小路,证实了希瑟的讲述。   道尔觉得蹊跷,便将老师、著名的医学博士兼私人侦探贝尔请到小镇。令他们吃惊的是:随着调查的深入,和案子有牵连的人相继死去。贝尔逐渐将线索集中在希瑟原来的恋人霍勒身上,并最终证明那个跟踪希瑟的人就是霍勒。然而当霍勒被捕获之后,仍然有许多疑点令贝尔困惑不解……

Dr. Arthur Conan Doyle assists a young woman, Miss Grace, who is terrified by an apparition that follows her when she bicycles home along a lonely stretch of road. He informs his colleague and mentor, Dr. Joseph Bell who joins him in investigating the case. She believes she is being followed by the spirit of the man who killed her parents some years before, but Bell assures her that the killer was hanged long ago and there has to be another explanation. There are many suspects, including former suitors, an uncle who will soon lose control over Miss Grace's finances and her present fiancée. When Miss Grace is kidnapped, Bell realizes that someone from her past is implicated. He also concludes however that Miss Grace has another dark secret.