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母亲去世,父亲失踪,虔诚的教徒罗茜(玛卡蕾娜·戈麦斯 Macarena Gómez 饰)和妹妹妮娜(纳迪娅·圣地亚哥 Nadia de Santiago 饰)过着相依为命的生活。罗茜患有广场恐惧症和严重的精神衰弱症,无法踏出家门一步,只能依靠吗啡来缓解身体和精神的极度不适。而出落的亭亭玉立的妮娜开始让罗茜渐渐感到一种妹妹会弃自己而去的恐慌。 某日,一位腿部受了伤的陌生男子卡洛斯(雨果·席尔瓦 Hugo Silva 饰)敲响了罗茜家的门,半推半就之下,罗茜接纳了卡洛斯,让卡洛斯在床上养伤,日日精心照料着他,随着时间的推移,风度翩翩的卡洛斯让罗茜第一次感到了爱情的甜蜜和温暖。为了能够留住卡洛斯在自己的身边,罗茜开始撒下一个又一个谎言,当事态的发展超出了罗茜的控制之时,她展现出了执着而又疯狂的一面。
Spain, 1950s. Monche's agoraphobia keeps her locked in a sinister apartment in Madrid and her only link to reality is the little sister she lost her youth raising. But one day, a reckless young neighbor, Carlos, falls down the stairwell and drags himself to their door. Someone has entered the shrew's nest... perhaps he'll never leave.
你渴望的究竟是什么,你伤害了什么,得到了什么。我们都活在恐惧里让他人害怕的毒腺。终极宅女是怎样从屠龙的勇士变身恶龙的。大段的莫名其妙让人惊慌!。一点点见解。If only there were no traumatic brains。压抑而又黑暗。观后。论理充分,逻辑弱智。心魔需要真相。