An Innocent Crook0.0

类型:喜剧 短片  美国  1916 




Mr. and Mrs. Loosit go for a stroll in the park. They sit on a shady bench and Mrs. Loosit dozes. Sue seats herself on a nearby bench and, deliberately flirts with Mr. Loosit, who, seeing his wife fast asleep, goes over and sits with Sue. Sue's accomplice, Tony, creeps up on the snoozing Mrs. Loosit, pilfers her watch and makes off with his booty. Then Sammy comes sauntering onto the scene. Sue sees him flourish a fat wallet, and at once she has designs thereon. She leads Sammy into a flirtation, and manages to filch the wallet, which, to her dismay, is filled with naught but Sammy's fine cut \"chewin'\" tobacco. Mrs. Loosit discovers the loss of her time piece. Loosit is sent in search of the thief. Sammy discovers the watch where the crook has dropped it through a hole in his pocket. He promptly takes the find to a pawn shop where he disposes of it. Sammy and Sue meet in a café, and Sammy proceeds to show Sue a wild and woolly time. A veritable fusillade of champagne corks greets the ears of the other diners. At length the celebrants are ejected. Then by the accusing finger of the pawn shop keeper, Sammy is arrested, charged with the theft of Mrs. Loosit's watch. Sue and her masculine depredators are arrested, and they and Sammy meet in the police station. Sue's stalwarts pick a fight with Sammy, who, through his acrobatic agility, is quick in cleaning up the two belligerents. Sammy, however, commits lese majesty in the police court, or was it habeas corpus? At any rate, he is on the point of being drawn, quartered and boiled in oil, when in walks a gruff detective, a bosom \"pal\" of Sammy's. The two shake hands, and seeing Sammy in the toils of the law, the detective comes to Sammy's rescue. \"This man Sammy is as honest as I am,\" solemnly declares the plain clothes man. Then it is discovered that Sammy is not the man who stole Mrs. Loosit's watch. The time piece is returned, and Sammy is made a member of the force. Whereupon he exercises his newly-acquired law enforcing function by standing beside a beer sign before two swinging doors. He whistles, as he has seen \"regular\" policemen do, and is rewarded when a white-coated arm reaches from within, tendering the newest wearer of the star with a large sized glass of an amber fluid that wears a huge white collar.