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1941年上海,中国抗日战争已经历时四年,随着太平洋战争的爆发,英美加入战局,上海外租界的西方人的生活也经历了巨大的动荡,11岁的Jamie就是其中之一。 在逃难的途中,Jamie和父母走失,他遇到美国人贝希和弗兰克,差点被他们卖掉,三人辗转到了闸北集中营。在集中营,J amie明白了战争的残酷,学会了“为了吃饭什么事都能干”的生存哲学,还认识了和他一样喜欢飞机的日本小孩。但是,在他内心深处,一直渴望着和父母团聚的一天。
Based on J. G. Ballard's autobiographical novel, tells the story of a boy, James Graham, whose privileged life is upturned by the Japanese invasion of Shanghai, December 8, 1941. Separated from his parents, he is eventually captured, and taken to Soo Chow confinement camp, next to a captured Chinese airfield. Amidst the sickness and food shortages in the camp, Jim attempts to reconstruct his former life, all the while bringing spirit and dignity to those around him.
孩子不懂帝国如何日落,只是活。。让世界简单起来,可以吗。上海外国侨民的日本集中营生活。三观不正的电影,对斯皮尔伯格极其失望。。鸿 沟。拍摄点考证2:斯皮尔伯格第一次到中国拍片就遭遇罚款,成为中国教科书经典案例。没有人能真正的超脱。太阳帝国。《太阳帝国》电影剧本。《太阳帝国》:一个真实的斯皮尔伯格。