
类型:剧情 爱情  中国大陆  1937 

主演:赵丹 白杨 沙蒙 吴茵 吕班 钱千里 伊明 



在动乱的年代下,数万年轻人被抛在了人生的十字路口,事业、爱情、理想,如此等等,都成为他们不得不去面对与抉择的关键。而他们的每一次选择,也将影响各自的命运。黄浦江畔,滚滚江水是彷徨着不断的愁绪。毕业于华东大学的小徐找不到工作,一度起了轻生的念头,关键时刻被老赵(赵丹 饰)救下。老赵和小徐、阿唐、刘大哥都毕业于名门学府,可是空有一身才学却无法在乱世找到自己的位置。绝望的小徐踏上归乡之途,刘大哥奔赴战场。老赵和阿唐则分别在报馆和商店找到一份工作。在一次冲突中,老赵结识了在纱厂当教练员的姑娘杨芝瑛(白杨 饰),爱情之花艰难地绽放。   十字街头,年轻人们摸索寻找着未来的路……

Four students in Shanghai have recently finished university. All are unemployed. Xu contemplates suicide but his friend Zhao talks him out of it. Zhao lives in a shabby room with just a flimsy wall of planks separating him from the room behind. Miss Yang, in town to take a factory job, moves in behind. Her nails into the wall knock Zhao's photos down. The unseen neighbours start playing tit for tat... Zhao gets a job as proofreader at a newspaper. He sees that pretty girl on the tram to work every day. He doesn't know her, but it's Miss Yang... Zhao is assigned to cover labour conditions for the paper. He is sent to a factory, the one where Miss Yang works...
