
类型:喜剧  爱尔兰  2015 

主演:艾丹·吉伦 George Pistereanu Erika Saint 

导演:Mark Noonan 


史黛斯(Lauren Kinsella 饰)在母亲离世后无依无靠,只好跟随多年没见的舅父威尔(艾丹·吉伦 饰)前往都柏林乡郊,开始相依为命生活。因为史黛斯被诊断出有渴睡症而没有学校愿意接收,幸好有邻居艾美莉(埃里卡圣 饰)充当家教教授知识,充实了孤单的生活。当一切慢慢重上轨道时,史黛斯赫然发现威尔是假释囚犯!因为要照顾她才得以离开..

After her mother's death, Stacey (Lauren Kinsella) moves with her uncle Will (Aiden Gillen) to a remote region in the Irish midlands. As the two cautiously get to know each other,they have to deal with the dark shadows of the past. An astute character driven study on the need to regain footing and let go, told with a good dose of Irish humor.
