
类型:动作  日本   2008 

主演:水野美纪 黄伊汶 李灿森 梁小龙 郭品超 夏目奈奈 任达华 石桥凌  



熹泰(郭品超 饰)和妻子松岛奈美(水野美纪 饰)结婚不久,彼此之间十分恩爱。不幸的是,熹泰的父亲得罪了名为早夜的女人,狠毒的早夜派出了杀手赤城(梁小龙 饰)、苍狼(李灿森 饰)和星愁(黄伊汶 饰)等人取熹泰性命,哪知道一行人玩心大起,竟然声称如果松岛奈美杀死熹泰的妹妹,便可以饶熹泰一命,痛苦之中,松岛奈美做出了选择,并因此被关入了监狱。   在狱中,单纯的松岛奈美历尽折辱,唯一支撑着她活下去的,就是复仇的信念。幸运的是,她结识了身世神秘的“收尸人”,习得了高超的武艺。终于,松岛奈美迎来了重获自由的那一天,而让她没有想到的是,自己最放不下的熹泰,竟然失去了和自己有关的记忆。

A ruthless pack of thugs force mild-mannered, caught-in-the-middle-of-something-bigger Nami to murder her fiance's sister, decidedly ruining her pending marriage and landing the poor girl in the most brutal women's prison ever seen. Inside the hellblocks, she decides to stop being a victim at all costs, and ends up becoming stronger and even more vicious than the craziest inmates in the pen. She eventually escapes in a most unusual way, gets valuable fight training from a mysterious mountain man and returns to the streets in order to make the thugs who ruined her life pay. By this time, Nami prefers to go by the name of Sasori (translation: Scorpion).
