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This is the Disney animated tale of the romance between a young American Indian woman named Pocahontas and Capt. John Smith, who journeyed to the New World with other settlers to begin fresh lives. Her powerful father, Chief Powhatan, disapproves of their relationship and wants her to marry a native warrior. Meanwhile, Smith's fellow Englishmen hope to rob the Native Americans of their gold. Can Pocahontas' love for Smith save the day?
我最早学会的一句情话。感人的动画片。。迪士尼,你还敢把历史题材改编成电影么?。一个关于勇敢的故事。好莱坞的梦想与臆想。只记得那位印第安女孩的容颜。迪士尼的珍贵老片儿。All about love。粉饰太平。对不起,我要改负分滚粗(原题:粉饰太平不如一招致命)。