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宽永七年德川幕府第三代将军家光时,当时由于实施中央集权,削弱了许多诸侯大名的权力,曾经叱咤一时的武士阶级很多失业沦为浪人。残酷的现实使得无所事事的浪人经常跑到诸侯家,表示要切腹自杀,而势力被削弱无力招揽更多浪人的诸侯只得用钱打发他们走,于是这成为当时流行的敲诈手段。一天井伊家来了一位名叫千千岩求女的浪人,他也提出相同要求,家臣决定将计就计,让他切腹,结果千千岩求女在极度痛苦中咬舌死去。 几个月以后又有一名叫津云半四郎(仲代达矢饰)的老浪人前来要求借井伊家宝地切腹自杀。其原因也是不堪生活的困苦,井伊家老(三国连太郎饰)出面。在切腹之前,津云要求讲下自己这辈子的故事……
Peace in 17th-century Japan causes the Shogunate's breakup of warrior clans, throwing thousands of samurai out of work and into poverty. An honorable end to such fate under the samurai code is ritual suicide, or hara-kiri (self-inflicted disembowelment). An elder warrior, Hanshiro Tsugumo (Tatsuya Nakadai) seeks admittance to the house of a feudal lord to commit the act. There, he learns of the fate of his son-in-law, a young samurai who sought work at the house but was instead barbarically forced to commit traditional hara-kiri in an excruciating manner with a dull bamboo blade. In flashbacks the samurai tells the tragic story of his son-in-law, and how he was forced to sell his real sword to support his sick wife and child. Tsugumo thus sets in motion a tense showdown of revenge against the house.