
类型:剧情 战争  捷克斯洛伐克  1965 

主演:Josef Barta Frank Argus Eduard Bred 


At' zije Republika/Long Live The Republic!(1965)a

Olda Lsiburek是一个年轻的摩拉维亚的男孩,经常在家中受到无情父亲的殴打,以及因为他身材的矮小遭到其他孩子的奚落。男孩的妈妈是他唯一的保护者,父亲则更加关心被军队没收的马。Olda依父亲的吩咐把马牵到森林里藏起来躲避部队,但在途中被纳粹士兵夺走。Olda冒着生命危险溜进一个俄罗斯军营里偷马,以免面对他父亲的处罚。

It is the spring 1945 and the front line is getting closer to the small Moravian village of Nesovice. Twelve-year old Oldrich Vareka, nicknamed Shorty for his tiny stature, observes the events around him, recalls his memories and also finds comfort in his fantasy. Although he is an only son, his father treats him harshly and brutally punishes his every trifle. Maybe he wreaks his vengeance on him for his own unsuccessful effort to compete with the richest farmers in the village. The boys from the wealthy farms poke fun at Shorty and he takes his revenge on them in petty malice.
