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这是一群高智商男生们的故事。二十世纪八十年代,英国北部的一所男子中学里,八个高中生正积极准备着牛津和剑桥大学的招生考试。这几个男生性格各异。有万人迷,自视甚高的Dakin(多米尼克•库珀 Dominic Cooper 饰);有四肢发达头脑不简单的Rudge(拉塞尔•托维 Russell Tovey 饰)等。他们对课本对知识有属于自己的解读。 教他们文学的是个肥胖,教学方式独特的怪老头Hector(理查德•格雷弗斯 Richard Griffiths饰),他主张学生通过课本获得情感上的共鸣和享受,而不是单纯为了升学而读。与他教学模式相反的则是学校新聘请的老师Tom(斯蒂芬•坎贝尔•莫尔 Stephen Campbell Moore 饰)。Tom的目标则是协助这些孩子尽可能考上牛津或剑桥。两种老师的两种教学模式,究竟孰优孰劣,或许并没有一个标准答案。
In 1980s Britain, a group of young men at Cutlers' Grammar School all have the brains, and the will to earn the chance of getting accepted in the finest universities in the nation, Oxford and Cambridge. Despite the fine teaching by excellent professionals like Mrs Lintott in history and the intellectually enthusiastic Hector in General Studies, the Headmaster is not satisfied. He signs on the young Irwin to polish the students' style to give them the best chance. In this mix of intellectualism and creative spirit that guides a rigorous preparation regime for that ultimate educational brass ring, the lives of the randy students and the ostensibly restrained faculty intertwine that would change their lives forever.