
类型:悬疑 犯罪  英国  1990 

主演:大卫·苏切 菲利普·杰克森 休·弗拉瑟 保琳·莫兰 安东尼·贝特 科林 



波罗跑去银行核查帐户余额,意外得知帐户被莫名其妙地透支了足足60英镑,这让他很不开心。 当晚,波罗正与黑斯廷斯玩大富翁游戏,银行行长跑来找他,这让他颇感欣慰。谁知银行行长不是为透支一事来道歉的,而是带来了一个消失的神秘银矿,以及因此而发生的一桩诡异的谋杀案…… 对一个传说中的巨大银矿而言,区区60英镑又算得了什么呢?

Hercule Poirot is hired by Lord Pearson, who happens to be the head of the bank where Poirot keeps his accounts, to find Mr. Wu Ling who was to have attended a meeting at the bank that morning, but who has disappeared. The missing man was to sell the bank a deed to a silver mine. When the man is found dead, Poirot finds himself searching for a killer. All of the evidence seems to point to an American, Charles Lester, but Poirot finds that to be just a little too convenient. At home, Poirot and Captain Hastings find themselves involved in a vicious game of Monopoly!
