
类型:剧情  中国大陆  2005 

主演:宁才 娜仁花 



你不想去的地方, 马不可能把你驮去, 但你想去的地方, 就必须得马驮。所以, 在今天看来, 马已经不是蒙古人的理想, 而是实现理想的工具。”这是影片中的一句台词, 也是蒙古人在生活环境发生巨大变化的今天, 不得不正视的一个问题。影片把人文关怀的镜头, 对准了沙漠化越来越严重的草原上一个视草原为生命的普通牧民“乌日根”, 通过“乌日根”一家在草原沙漠化与保护生态环境、实现经济和社会可持续发展的、大的时代背景下的痛苦选择

Under the encouragement of the Chinese government, the traditional way of life of the nomads of the Mongolian plains change. Once a culture with a great emphasis on raising horses on the grassy plains, they are encouraged to move into the cities to work as industrial workers. However, one family tries to resist this change, trying to raise money to send their child to school by selling yogurt. Unfortunately, this is hardly sufficient and they are forced to sell their beloved horses.
