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In the 1970s, terrorist violence is the stuff of networks' nightly news programming and the corporate structure of the UBS Television Network is changing. Meanwhile, Howard Beale, the aging UBS news anchor, has lost his once strong ratings share and so the network fires him. Beale reacts in an unexpected way. We then see how this affects the fortunes of Beale, his coworkers (Max Schumacher and Diana Christensen), and the network.
电视台风云!。几度风云几度春秋。三十年河西,三十年河东。其实未看片,就是已经被这段台词震撼到了。。一句话。。悲观的不要。。“预言者”帕蒂。《电视台风云》:苦逼时代中失控的癫狂呐喊 三个奧斯卡表演奖收入麾下。《荧光幕后》之后。你也别装的跟没事人一样。