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Americans abroad. Roy and Jessie finished a volunteer stint in China. He loves trains, so they go home via the Trans-Siberia Express. There are strains in the relationship, including her past. They meet Carlos, a Spaniard, traveling with Abby, a young American. Carlos keeps close to Jessie, and when Roy is left behind and waits a day for the next train so he can catch up, Jessie and Carlos take a trip into the dead of winter to photograph a ruined church. Carlos may be running drugs, so, later, when Roy catches up and introduces Jessie to his new pal, an English speaking Russian narcotics detective, he's the last person Jessie wants to see. Will the Siberian desolation be their undoing?
一鸡N吃。If I got rid of my demons, I'd lose my angels。尝试复古,却显生涩。《横越西伯利亚》:功亏一匮。分数低是不是因为很多人没看懂啊?我写个剧情推理吧。我关于这部电影的一些推理。前面太罗嗦。有趣的片子。人之初 性本恶 之 横穿西伯利亚。《穿越西伯利亚》。