
类型:战争  南斯拉夫  1981 

主演:留比沙·萨马季奇 Zvonko Lepetic 桑妮娅·维伊诺维奇  

导演:Aleksandar Djordjevic 


1941年8月,德国法西斯侵占了南斯拉夫的国土,英雄的南斯拉夫人民配合武装力量同敌人展开了艰苦卓绝的斗争。   火车司机托洛瓦茨平时大大咧咧,爱和女人胡搞,但他也有一颗火热的爱国之心。贝尔格莱德铁路员工党组织考虑到他不为敌人注意,目标小,而路又熟,因此委托他护送负有特殊任务的地下党交通员布莱基前往克拉列沃。不料这一行动被敌人察觉,大批军警包围了火车站......

It is 1941 and the German occupying forces are taking over Yugoslavia, making a train ride to Kraljevo a dangerous game for a secret communist agent carrying important documents. Both the Germans and the police are looking for him on the train, and his safe arrival in Kraljevo seems like an impossibility. His determination to get the papers to the right people keeps him going, even through a gun battle after the train arrives - challenging him to find a way to complete his mission.