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这一天,汤姆和杰瑞之间爆发了一场声势浩大的大战。汤姆一路追逐,将小老鼠赶进了地下室的洞中。杰瑞躲在掩体后,自然不会放过死守洞口的敌人,于是用老鼠夹子发射了一枚西红柿,跟着又爬上制高点丢下一大鸡蛋。汤姆被突然到来的袭击打得措手不及,他四处逃窜,慌不择路。而杰瑞愈战愈勇,将香槟一字排开,酒瓶塞如炮弹一般呼啸着射向汤姆的脑袋。汤姆当然不会就此认输,他再次杀向前去,而他的对手如此聪明,早已想好各种妙招对付他。杰瑞甚至还用芝士锉(cheese grater)做了一辆战车打出漂亮的防守反击。他们的战斗逐渐升级…… 本片荣获1943年奥斯卡金像奖最佳动画短片奖,也是Tom and Jerry系列获得的第一个奖项。
As Tom and Jerry stage their typical fight sequences, the patriotic soldier theme of the title is evidenced by such things as a carton of eggs labeled "Hen Grenades"; Jerry dropping light bulbs from an airplane like bombs; and Jerry sending a telegram with the message "Sighted Cat - Sank Same." Musical phrasings from various patriotic war songs are heard throughout.