
类型:惊悚  日本  2008 

主演:吉高由里子 高良健吾 井浦新 唐泽寿明 小栗旬 藤原龙也 



游荡在东京涉谷街头的19岁女孩路易(吉高由里子 饰)对生活充满绝望,某日她在迪斯科中邂逅朋克青年阿玛(高良健吾 饰)。阿玛穿钉打孔、纹身分舌,造型时尚前卫。在阿玛的介绍下,路易对蛇舌颇感兴趣。他们一同来到纹身师阿柴(ARATA 饰)的小店,穿钉和纹身的痛楚让路易体验到前所未有的快感,而双性恋且有着虐待欲的阿柴也被眼前这个娇小的女子迷住。   和冷峻的甚至有些阴森的阿柴不同,阿玛外表恐怖,而内心温柔。他深爱路易,甚至为了心爱的女人和黑社会分子大打出手,这却为他的悲剧埋下了伏笔……

19 year old Rui finds life deeply disappointing until she falls in love with Ama in Shibuya, Tokyo. She was attracted by his piercings so decided to have her tongue pierced too. Pain is the only way that she can feel she is alive. The tatoo designer, Shiba, is also getting curious about Rui due to his sadist split. Ama protects Rui with violence and Shiba is using violence to love her. A strange love triangle of violence and sex and Rui's body changed with a tatoo and a large piercing.

安静地分裂。你为何不再为他叠纸星星。当西单妹遇上朋克男。蛇舌:变化时有痛感。以疼替愛。Chara - きえる 『消逝』。硕大无朋的寂寥和空虚。本来就是阿玛和阿柴的爱情故事 摆证据。亵渎圣兽的报应。找刺激什么的都是欠抽,踏踏实实的才是最重要的。。