
类型:剧情 家庭  中国台湾  2015 

主演:阿洛·卡力亭·巴奇辣 吴燕姿 林嘉均 许金财 徐诣帆 

导演:郑有杰 勒嘎·舒米 


小女孩Nakaw 的妈妈为了工作必须留在台北,相依为命的外公却身子不再健朗,同时部落族人因「卖地换进步」的开发计画而互相对立。究竟盖饭店、提供就业机会,是不是部落生存的唯一出路?取材自共同导演勒嘎‧ 舒米的母亲舒米‧ 如妮推动水梯田溼地复育的真实经历,向这片土地上每一位 默默付出、坚持理想的唐吉诃德致意。

'The little elder sister and younger brother, Nakaw and Sera, lived with grandpa in a beautiful tribe near the coastline. Their mother Panay worked in Taipei far away from, who could return home to meet the children after quite a long time. One day, grandpa got sick, so Panay had to come home for taking care of her father, and then she found that the tribe had changed. The invasion of sightseeing buses and tourists had damaged the tribe's original simplicity and tranquility; even now there was a consortium who wanted to purchase the tribe's land. What's worse, the little kids' values here had been distorted. Grandpa said, "If land is gone, the tribe will disappear."What he thought constantly of was how could attract young people back? How could prevent the tribe people from selling land again? Therefore, grandpa persistently went into the mountains alone to fix dam, trying to irrigate land, that might bring the land left uncultivated for many years back to life. He wanted to say; ...

僅管爽度沒那麼高,但你還是應該去看一下真實的東海岸生活-看完《太陽的孩子》之後的想法。太阳的孩子:寻找失落的名字,并以此骄傲吧。简单的感动 太阳的孩子。这不是儿童片,片名貌似不太合适。太阳的后裔(孩子)。"刚好这批资料被台风吹走了……"。开局还可以,后面就……。